Monday 4 September 2023

Get all Domain Replication Report with Email Alert

 Get all Domain Replication Report with Email Alert

# Define email parameters

$EmailParams = @{

    From       = ""

    To         = ""

    Subject    = "Active Directory Replication Health Report"

    SmtpServer = ""

    Port       = 587

    Credential = (Get-Credential -UserName "yourusername" -Message "Enter your email password")

    UseSsl     = $true



# Get a list of all domain controllers in the current domain

$DCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *


# Initialize an empty array to store the report

$ReplicationIssues = @()


# Loop through each domain controller and check replication health

foreach ($DC in $DCs) {

    $TargetServer = $DC.Name

    $ReplicationHealth = Get-ADReplicationFailure -Server $TargetServer


    # Check if any replication issues were detected on this server

    if ($ReplicationHealth) {

        $EmailBody = @"

        Replication issues detected on server $TargetServer:




        Please investigate and resolve these issues.



        Your Name



        # Add this server's replication issues to the report

        $ReplicationIssues += $EmailBody




# Check if there were any replication issues across all domain controllers

if ($ReplicationIssues.Count -gt 0) {

    # Generate the email body with the cumulative replication health report

    $EmailBody = @"

    The following replication issues were detected across all domain controllers:




    Please investigate and resolve these issues.



    Your Name



    # Set the email body

    $EmailParams['Body'] = $EmailBody


    # Send the email

    Send-MailMessage @EmailParams
